Plant grounding grid again

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Thanks for the help earlier but I have a couple of more questions. That same bozo is at our plant still, I went with him and checked the grounds at a couple MCC's and the transformers. In one compartment in particular we read 285 amps on the ground and in the MCC's that it feeds. It seems to be grounded outside on the pad( going into the ground) with a ground going with the conductors all the way back to the MCC, their is also a neutral conductor going from the transformer to the neutral bar in the MCC. I should clarify that the other compartments in the transformer had between 4 and 10 amps on them but I think that is ok. Also the 285 amps is on the neutral conductor and about 85 amps on the ground but are both tied togetther in the transformer so that shouldn't matter. I did notice that in alot of the buckets we have control transformers stepping down a leg off the MCC to 120V and x1 goes where it needs to but x2 is tied to the case. If we have alot of these done like this couldn't that be the cause of the current on the ground adding up, he won't even look at this possibility. We have alot of places where the grounds and neutrals are tied together and they should not be. The guy they have looking at this says that we probably have lost our grounding outside but if that were true wouldn't we have problems with all of them and not just a couple. Sorry for the long post but I need to know if this guy is an idiot or am just not understanding. Please, any help would be appreciated.
Re: Plant grounding grid again

The fact that the X2 terminal of your individual control transformers is grounded should not be contributing to your problem.

The grounded neutral conductor should never ever be connected to the grounding conductor except at one point at the begining of the system, either at the transformer (like your control transformers) or the first disconnect but not both. Start with cleaning up those extra connections.

[ April 16, 2005, 05:41 PM: Message edited by: jim dungar ]
Re: Plant grounding grid again

The grounded conductor and the grounding conductors are bonded together at the transformer and separate at the MCC. They are only bonded together in one place except for the control transformers and a few other areas that have the ground and neutral reversed.
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