Does the n.e.c. state the no. of 12-2 with ground
romex cables that I can secure with a size 1/2"
plastic insulated staple ?
I am having a problem with a local inspector on this,and can not find an answer.
Thanks for your help,opinions.
Not sure about the NEC, but we put two 12-2 under one plastic staple laying flat. Your staple manufacture should state on the bag or box what is allowable for the staple in question. Our inspectors have never made this an issue one way or another.
The plastic bag that contains the staples states,
install according to applicable local Electrical code.No numbers are given and the local inspector is making an issue of this.
Thanks winnr1
Only mention of this in NEC is no two cables on edge under one staple. This was a common installation for a while. Here in Mass you are required to use insulated staples with nm cable. I have never had an issue with two cables under one staple.
I recieved the following response from Briscon when I e-mailed them. Hope this helps.
"The SN 40 IB staple is UL listed for one 14/2 through 10/3 non metallic sheathed cable.
The SN 150 IB staple is UL listed for two 14/2 through 12/3 non metallic sheathed cables."