Plc sg

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Senior Member
ridgewood, n.j.
I have another question concerning switchgear . If a plc with a maintenance switch controls a SG which i believe disables the outputs when in maintenance mode, Is this switch used only for when the generator is running? Is this something someone would use to lower the ie when working on the CB'S or gear ?
Trying to learn about the way these systems work and this is the best place to get the info. Thanks again to all you guys.
Not really clear about your question, typically a "Maintenence switch" is used on a breaker that does nto have INST trips, and therefore high Ei's downstream. When the maintenence mode is enabled a tempoary INST trip is in effect, reducing clearing time and reducing Ei.
I seen a plc with a disable outputs selection which I mistakinly though when selected was a maintenance mode for the SG. plc has a few selections besides 'run' it had 'disable outputs' selection. I am just guessing.

thanks again
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