From Table 220.55 Note 2, Over 8 ? kW through 27 kW ranges of unequal ratings :
? the average value of rating shall be calculated...using 12 kW for any range rated less than 12kW...the maximum demand in Column C shall be increased 5% for each kilowatt or major fraction thereof by which this average exceeds 12kW ?
Demand on the following electrical ranges: 22Kw, 19Kw, 25Kw, 20Kw, 9Kw, 16Kw, 10Kw, 12Kw.
My answer:
22Kw + 19Kw + 25Kw + 20Kw + 12Kw + 16Kw + 12Kw + 12Kw = 138Kw
138/8 =17.25Kw
17.25Kw ? 12Kw = 5.25Kw
(5)(5%) = 25%
220.55 Column C value for 8 ranges = 23kW
(23Kw)(1.25) = 28.75Kw
[ October 31, 2005, 01:49 PM: Message edited by: TimWA ]
? the average value of rating shall be calculated...using 12 kW for any range rated less than 12kW...the maximum demand in Column C shall be increased 5% for each kilowatt or major fraction thereof by which this average exceeds 12kW ?
Demand on the following electrical ranges: 22Kw, 19Kw, 25Kw, 20Kw, 9Kw, 16Kw, 10Kw, 12Kw.
My answer:
22Kw + 19Kw + 25Kw + 20Kw + 12Kw + 16Kw + 12Kw + 12Kw = 138Kw
138/8 =17.25Kw
17.25Kw ? 12Kw = 5.25Kw
(5)(5%) = 25%
220.55 Column C value for 8 ranges = 23kW
(23Kw)(1.25) = 28.75Kw
[ October 31, 2005, 01:49 PM: Message edited by: TimWA ]