Plugmold Question

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Electrical Contractor
New Jersey
Electrical, Security, Networks and Everything Else.
Attended a 2020 Code seminar and one topic was countertop and work surface receptacles, 210.52. (C) (2) (A). It was determined that the receptacle requirement for a large island or peninsula (depending on dimensions) could be met by ganging 2 or 3 receptacles in one box to avoid cutting multiple holes in cabinets. Plugmold came up and there was a comment that all of the receptacles in the plugmold cannot be counted, and that X amount of feet of plugmold equals one receptacle. Does anyone know if this is true and have a source to refer to? Thanks in advance.
If you are referring to a multi outlet assembly…..look at 210.52(c). All the way down in right hand column on page 68 in 2020 NEC.
If you are referring to a multi outlet assembly…..look at 210.52(c). All the way down in right hand column on page 68 in 2020 NEC.
You nailed it! Thank you very much!
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