plugs on SO cords

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Is there a code or generally excepted practice for wiring electrical plugs on SO type cords? Other than the standard 110 power cords. For example a 3 phase 4 wire plug. Is there any relationship between the wire colors (red, black, white), the X,Y,Z terminals on the plug and phases 1, 2, 3?
There are excepted methods but nothing that insists that you wire it a particular way. The key is the egc and the neutral if any exist.
Would be nice but is not even a rule for black red blue. Could be issue if rotation is issue. Ran into this when i wired an ice cream wearhouse that had 2 dozen truck docks. All i could do is make sure all of mine were same for Tampa location. When they go to another terminal could be issues.
Is there a code or generally excepted practice for wiring electrical plugs on SO type cords? Other than the standard 110 power cords. For example a 3 phase 4 wire plug. Is there any relationship between the wire colors (red, black, white), the X,Y,Z terminals on the plug and phases 1, 2, 3?
As Dennis and Jim said, it would be nice. If one were to wire everything that the cord/plug would be connected to then you could follow a standard, but that's not always the case. It depends on if the receptacles were wired the same way, then sometimes you are plugging into a female on another cord that might not be wired the same or even have the same color wires. I have seen people try to wire a male plug then a female and forget that looking face on to the plug is not the same as the plugs facing each other. You just have to be prepared to take the plug apart and swapping 2 of the wires if using a 3 ph motor.;)
We use to have a real problem with portable equiptment and the wild leg getting into the control circuit until we put in some small transformers in each panel. Yea I know what everybody must be thinking but things were like that well before I got there.:D
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