I have been researching the same issue of sorts. Multiple Access Points in a Class 1 div 1 and 2 facility.
Best I have been able to glean on this is "intrinsically safe" . If the installation of a camera were in any other location other than "class" locations... the only article that has to be followed is what is referenced in ART 800..
I can not find a direct answer in the code as to if Communication for a camera or Access Point... which both use the same "tech/packet transfer" and the same Voltages... falls under a class 2 or 3 circuit.
90.3 Code Arrangement.
This Code is divided into the introduction and nine chapters, as shown in Figure 90.3. Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 apply generally. Chapters 5, 6, and 7 apply to special occupancies, special equipment, or other special conditions and may supplement or modify the requirements in Chapters 1 through 7.
Chapter 8 covers communications systems and is not subject to the requirements of Chapters 1 through 7 except where the requirements are specifically referenced in Chapter 8.
800.3 Other Articles.
Only those sections of Chapters 1 through 7 referenced in Chapter 8 shall apply to Chapter 8. The definitions from Article 100 apply to Chapter 8. Installations of circuits and equipment shall comply with 800.3(A) through (H).
With all of this being said..... I myself as a old school sparky am going to error on the side of caution and design the conduit and enclosure package to make sure there is no chance in hades that i can blow up my facility.