Pole relocation experience?

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chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
Just got a call stating I need to relocate four 30' concrete poles that are energized and buried 7' deep in soil. I've planted a bunch but never had to yank one out. Any tips?

BTW it was 83F here today. Diggin tomorrow. Perfect weather if anyone wants to help.
Poles of all sorts that are set in soil pull straight up with relatively little effort. The jib on the digger derrick or crane will pull it straight up, no problem. I've even moved whole poured-in-place parking lot pole foundation piers using this method. Had an adaptor plate with a big loop welded on it made up to bolt over the j-bolts.
chris kennedy said:
Just got a call stating I need to relocate four 30' concrete poles that are energized and buried 7' deep in soil. I've planted a bunch but never had to yank one out. Any tips?

BTW it was 83F here today. Diggin tomorrow. Perfect weather if anyone wants to help.

Chris, it was 73 here in the Mountains of NC today, but I still wouldn't volunteer even with this perfect weather. :grin:

roger said:
but I still wouldn't volunteer even with this perfect weather. :grin:

This would have been a well paying job for you but Marc said I don't need any help. I'll send him your check.
chris kennedy said:
I need to relocate four 30' concrete poles that are energized, Any tips?

BTW it was 83F here today. Diggin tomorrow. Perfect weather if anyone wants to help.

Disconnect power first. Check! Dig Hole 7' deep. Check! Have big crane. Check!:)

Wet and cold. Oregon
chris kennedy said:
This would have been a well paying job for you but Marc said I don't need any help. I'll send him your check.

And life and the weather is so good, I don't care, Marc can probably use more than I.:)

About the only trouble you'll ever have pulling a pole straight up is if the ground is frozen, or if it's very wet and mucky. That wet, mucky ground sort of has a "suction" effect. I don't suspect either of these will be an issue for you with your sandy soil and warm climate.

I'll share a nice link with you from my secret stash:
It useally can be pull straight up without much issue but keep in your mind just watch out the weight rating of your rig some of the post base can weight in more than 4,000 lbs easly and what you can do is wiggle back and forth a little or auger or drill dig a small hole to one side and wiggle a little not too much then pull up it useally pop free as long the ground is pretty dry but wet muddy soil it can compound it.

with wet muddy soil one trick i done it before i used a steel pipe and stick it in the ground used the air compressor slowy ramp up the air pressure it useally can push it up and you may have to do it in few spots to get it loosen up. [ for any reason if you cant use the air you can used water it will work as well as long you keep the water running ]

Merci , Marc
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