Polywater SPY Wire Lube

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I have never used a polywater product that was not top quality.

A wire lubing tip to pass along. On large underground pulls I feed the wire through an inverted traffic cone and just keep it full of lube, makes for less mess. And the thick rubber also protects the cables.
Does Polywater get sticky after sitting in a conduit for a few years? I recently pulled out some wire that we installed a few years ago with Greenlee lube and it was rubbery and sticky. I'm looking for something other than Greenlee now.
I love the stuff. A friend had a coax cable in conduit that needed to be replaced with a different type cable. The original coax would not budge. I gave him some of the spray lube. He sprayed it in, waited a few & said that it came right out & new cable slid right in!
What do you guys use in cold weather 0 degrees.
got a job in the mountains once and all the lube I had was frozen overnight in the truck, even stuff rated for low temps.
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