Pond pump wiring methods

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Senior Member
Southern Ca, USA
Discussed today with our contractor the replacement of some pond pumps we have. The existing electrical is a mess and rather than me do it we are shopping out the job.
I mentioned I thought they needed to be cord and plug connected. He disagreed. Looking at 682.14 I am interpreting that to mean that yes submerged pond pumps need
to be cord and plug. This would be defined as an artificially made body of water. Originally a drainage catch basin, it has been enlarged and is used as a decorative garden
pond with stream pumps and waterfalls. I want these cord and plug. Makes them easier to service and replace.The contractor is of the opinion that these pumps are treated
same as equipment related pumps, like you would see in a plant or on machines. Cords would be ran into a jbox and wire nutted etc. and either UF or plastic pipe to the
breaker box. So....what is the correct way to do an installation like this? Thanks
How are the pumps installed -- are they submersible pumps, or are they mounted off to the side like swimming pool pumps and use pipe to get to and from the water? Also, when you buy the pumps do they come with cord and plug or just a wiring knockout?
either method is a possibility, will mostly depend on the specific equipment you have. if it comes with a cord and plug chances are it is only listed with that cord and plug. If it doesn't come with cord and plug - it probably is only listed for cord and plug if a specific cord and plug is mentioned in the instructions.
Outlet 12" above

Outlet 12" above

Discussed today with our contractor the replacement of some pond pumps we have. The existing electrical is a mess and rather than me do it we are shopping out the job.
I mentioned I thought they needed to be cord and plug connected. He disagreed. Looking at 682.14 I am interpreting that to mean that yes submerged pond pumps need
to be cord and plug. This would be defined as an artificially made body of water. Originally a drainage catch basin, it has been enlarged and is used as a decorative garden
pond with stream pumps and waterfalls. I want these cord and plug. Makes them easier to service and replace.The contractor is of the opinion that these pumps are treated
same as equipment related pumps, like you would see in a plant or on machines. Cords would be ran into a jbox and wire nutted etc. and either UF or plastic pipe to the
breaker box. So....what is the correct way to do an installation like this? Thanks
Actually, both methods are correct. I believe the contractor is approaching from a cost savings and aesthetic point of a system that will be easier to install for a permanent installation concept. With cord and plug method, each unit requires an exposed connection 12" above ground datum that has a GFCI protected BC with a disconnect 30" maximum distance on land for that interface. 682.14(B).
By using the contractor's suggestion, the units will be direct wired and hidden all the way back to the subpanel GFCI disconnect BC with control timer. Low volt system is another control method but is more $$. Hope this helps.
In our case aesthetics are a definite issue, so direct wiring to jbox would be better. But from what I read in 682.14 it seems clear cut to mean that they
need to be cord and plug. Where is the loophole or section that would cover this? Thanks for the help.
There is an Exception in 682.14: "Exception: Equipment listed for direct connection and equipment anchored in place and incapable of routine
movement caused by water currents or wind shall be permitted to be connected using wiring methods covered in 682.13."

This sentence is not well written. I'm not sure if the meaning is equipment listed for direct connection OR equipment anchored in place. But if they mean it must be listed for direct connection AND anchored in place, then they should not have used the word equipment after the first and as it is implicit... They should write the NEC like software with () for grouping, and AND, OR, NOT operators. Even bulleted lists would be an improvement as long as they indicate the list items are one of the following (OR) or all of the following (AND).

I don't know if your cord connected pumps are listed for direct connection, or if the cord they come with meets the requirements of 682.13.
I don't know if the pumps are listed for direct connection as the job will include replacing all pumps. This sounds to me like
either way can be used as mentioned. So...I won't worry about it. Thanks for the help!
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