Pool Bonding - Bonding a sink

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Senior Member
Im helping someone out whom failed a final inspection. There is a bar sink under a little structure next to the pool. The sink is within 5 feet of the pool and therefore would be required to be bonded to the pool shell. Unfornunatley the sink wasn't bonded and it isn't possible to go back and do so at this point because the pool is completely finished. The steel in the structure IS bonded to the pool so would it be possible to bond the sink to the structure steel because the structure is bonded to the pool?

Thanks guys!
Yes. The bonding does not need to be continuous

Okay, I will show my ignorance: What is non conductive steel?

A bond to a non conductive surface on the steel?

Rebar which is not bonded at the crossovers and joints? Or steel which is not attached to anything??:)
Does the tight oxide coating on Cor-Ten(TM) (self-limiting rust) steel form an insulating layer?
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