Pool bonding

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New User
Electrical Contractor
We have been installing the electric for many pools this summer. For all the above ground pools we have been running the bonding ring around and attaching it in 4 even spaced locations on the posts, or where designated. However, a lot of pools that we have done are made like this: they're all resin except for the thin metal strut/support between the top and bottom. However, even this is pvc coated. The bottom 'foot' and top 'cap' are resin. All the hardware is resin.
In this case, do you need to do anything other than the ring around the pool to the skimmer/pump/water bond?
Some inspectors are asking for it to be bonded in 4 places on these posts/struts so we have been doing that. However, there is nothing bonding or connecting these pvc coated 'metal' struts to each other so it seems pointless. Another inspector just asked us to bond every single strut. I don't think bonding these struts is necessary at all due to the construction of the struts and pool. Does anyone have an answer?
We have been installing the electric for many pools this summer. For all the above ground pools we have been running the bonding ring around and attaching it in 4 even spaced locations on the posts, or where designated. However, a lot of pools that we have done are made like this: they're all resin except for the thin metal strut/support between the top and bottom. However, even this is pvc coated. The bottom 'foot' and top 'cap' are resin. All the hardware is resin.
In this case, do you need to do anything other than the ring around the pool to the skimmer/pump/water bond?
Some inspectors are asking for it to be bonded in 4 places on these posts/struts so we have been doing that. However, there is nothing bonding or connecting these pvc coated 'metal' struts to each other so it seems pointless. Another inspector just asked us to bond every single strut. I don't think bonding these struts is necessary at all due to the construction of the struts and pool. Does anyone have an answer?
Show the inspectors this.........

(2) Perimeter Surfaces. The perimeter surface to be bonded
shall be considered to extend for 1 m (3 ft) horizontally
beyond the inside walls of the pool and shall include unpaved
surfaces and other types of paving. Perimeter surfaces separated
from the pool by a permanent wall or building 1.5 m (5 ft)
in height or more shall require equipotential bonding only on
the pool side of the permanent wall or building. Bonding to
perimeter surfaces shall be provided as specified in
680.26(B)(2)(a) or (2)(b) and shall be attached to the pool
reinforcing steel or copper conductor grid at a minimum of
four (4) points uniformly spaced around the perimeter of the
pool. For nonconductive pool shells, bonding at four points
shall not be required
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