Pool Bonding

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J Allan

McHenry, Md
I perform Electrical inspections in Maryland, and have a question about Equipotential Bonding around existing pools. As I am the only Electrical Inspector in the County, I do not have the luxury of bouncing idea off other Inspectors, so your Forum is useful to me. Most of the Pools I deal with are Fiberglass. I have an existing Fiberglass pool, that does not have the 8 AWG bare Solid Copper Conductor around the perimeter of the Pool, and it has a metal ladder and stamped concrete around the pool for 8'-10'. The concrete has wire mesh in it. My question is would the intent of the Code be met if the Contractor was to install the bare #8 wire around the perimeter of the concrete and chisel out under the concrete to connect #8 wire to the wire mesh in 4 locations, and then saw cut the concrete to the ladder and connect to the "Cups" that hold the ladder. Then I would have the #8 wire go to all of the Equipment and bond them as well. My second question is, does the #8 wire need to go to the Ground bus bar of the subpanel, that supplies the Pool equipment. Thank you for your help., and knowledge. John C
I think it might meet the intent, depending on the mesh. It would need to be 12x12 grid. The #8 alone wouldn't meet the intent unless it was within 18"-24" of the pool. But if connected to the mesh, and the mesh was the proper grid size, I would think that would meet the intent.

The #8 does not have to go back to the panel, only the required items around the pool, plus equipment. Don't forget the water bond.
I think it might meet the intent, depending on the mesh. It would need to be 12x12 grid. The #8 alone wouldn't meet the intent unless it was within 18"-24" of the pool. But if connected to the mesh, and the mesh was the proper grid size, I would think that would meet the intent.

The #8 does not have to go back to the panel, only the required items around the pool, plus equipment. Don't forget the water bond.
Bill, thank you for your input. The grid would be 6"X6", and I always have them Bond the water on Fiberglass Pools.
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