pool issues

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Senior Member
Northern illinois
My wife was telling me something yesterday she got from a friend of hers. Seems like some of the new above ground plastic pools with the inflatable sides are running into opposition from some local inspectors in the Chicago area.

Seems they feel they are not permitted under the existing building codes. I wonder if this is related to the new bonding requirements. No way to bond a piece of plastic.
Re: pool issues

Where's the electrical interface? Is the motor that inflates the inflatable sides permanently attached and hard wired?
Re: pool issues

I don't know much about it. My wife got the story from one of her friends who relayed it second or third hand.

Supposedly, several burgs near Chjicago have basically banned them claiming they do not meet some "code". I don't know what code.
Re: pool issues

When I lived in the Chicago area, there was one suburb that had banned, by local code, the parking of pickup trucks on residential streets AND in residential driveways. :D
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