Hey all so i posted a couple of times on here about a pool i just completed and all the responses helped thanks for that but i have one last question. While finshisng up my bonding grid i noticed a copper bonding lug protruding from the pool light j box. The light is a low voltage 12v led hayward light. I didnt remember to look if the bonding lug was attached to the ground bar inside the j box . With that being said here are my questions
If the bonding lug is in fact connected to the grounding bar inside the j box ( wich i think it was) then i obviously would not terminal my my solid #8 from my bonding grid to that lug or would i .
From my understanding grounding and my bonding grid should remain separate.
Correct me if im wrong. Is this type of box used for wet niche applications?
Basically my question is should i or shouldn't i connect my bond to it
If not whats the purpose of it
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If the bonding lug is in fact connected to the grounding bar inside the j box ( wich i think it was) then i obviously would not terminal my my solid #8 from my bonding grid to that lug or would i .
From my understanding grounding and my bonding grid should remain separate.
Correct me if im wrong. Is this type of box used for wet niche applications?
Basically my question is should i or shouldn't i connect my bond to it
If not whats the purpose of it
Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk