Mike Brown
New member
Code States that the pool nitch must have an insulated ground from branch cicuit to the nitch bonding. My problem is that a customer already had a dedicated 12-2 gfci protected circuit on an unfinished side of the basement.There is no access to panel without destroying drywall.The pool equipment was wired from a j-box off of the dedicated 12-2. there is an insulated ground from j-box to the equipment.the equipment is controled by two weather proof swithches. The inspector failed the final becouse the ground was not insulated in the 12-2 from j-box to the panel. If I install a 2 circuit disconect in place of my j-box w/ individual ground and nutral bar, use the 12-2 as my feeder from main panel and install my gfci breaker in disconect. Would installing the disconect basicaly act the same as a sub wired with ser .And would that eliminate having to go all the way to the main panel with an insulated ground.
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