Pool Pump Troubles!!

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New User
United States
Hey everyone,

I am trying to get a pool pump running off of a switch. Every time I flip the switch, the breaker pops. I've tried a million different things and I cannot get this thing to work. I may be overlooking something small, but I was hoping to get some help on how to get this thing wired.

Here's what I have got to work with:

I have the source wire coming into the box.

I have a 125v outlet running up to the source wiring.

At that point of connection I have the hot and neutral pigtailed and those lines running to the switch, connected with the corresponding colors.

From that point every time the breaker gets flipped on, the pump runs, but as soon as I flip the switch the breaker pops.

I talked to another guy and he suggested removing the white wire from the switch because it was causing a dead short. I tried that and the pump runs, but the switch does nothing.

Any help with this would be appreciated!!!
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