Pool shell bonding grid

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I have an electrical inspector in my area telling the E.C. on a City Municipal Pool project that the structural reinforcing steel has to be in a 12" by 12" grid pattern. I am trying to find a place in the code that requires this. The pool shell is now going to have a 24" by 24" rebar layout.

I seen in 680.26(C) (3) if you make your own alternate means grid than it calls it out to be 12" by 12". But they are going to use the pool reinforcing steel.

Has anyone came across this requirement before or is this a mis-interpeted ruling.

is the key word "structural shell" ? (per inspector)
check the plans, i think you may be talking of two different things...
Bonding grid and pool steel grid ar two different things. The pool steel grid is a structual inspection decision. :wink: The pool steel must be connected to the Bonding grid which is required to be 12" x 12" in the pool deck, or in Florida a ring of #8 solid.
That all depends on if the pool liner is a nonconductive coating.

If the pool liner is a nonconductive coating:

The TIA for 680.26 had alot of words in it but it's basic point was to eliminate the "contour" requirement of 680.26(C)(3)b. . The grid is still required for the 3 foot paved walking surface.

Metal in the pool contour needs to be bonded but the grid requirement is gone. . So it doesn't matter how the pattern or lack thereof that the pool shell metal is laid out. . If it's metal you bond it. . If it's not, then you don't.

If the pool liner is a conductive coating:

Then the bonded structural steel needs to encapsulate the contour but the measurement of the pattern isn't specified. . If a bonding grid is required to be added [do to a lack of encapsulation by structural steel], then the pattern size is specified.

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