We have recently run into a situation where the inspectors are claiming that the interior wiring for a pool stubout must have an insulated grounding conductor to meet code. They are saying that the old method of using romex from the main service panel the power stubout at the side of the house is no longer allowed. In reading various portions of the 2014 NEC code (section 680 on pools, fountains, and similar installations), I argue that 680.21 (A) (4) applies which states an exception for interior single family dwelling units not requiring an insulated conductor as long as the ground but must be enclosed within the outer sheath of the cable assembly (ie....romex). Inspectors are claiming that you must have an insulated ground from the service panel, to include interior wiring as well as exterior wiring and that the code I reference is for motors only. so, I want to know if by the 2014 code if you can use romex for the interior wiring to the stubout at the side of the house? I understand that from that point on (for the exterior power run) you must have an insulated confuctor. Help someone!