Pools as corrosive environments 2017 nec

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I am looking for some information on the new 2017 NEC code when it comes to pools. I know that pools are now classified as a corrosive environment and that everything has to be now classified as being able to be used in such environment but I don't see any way of bonding because none of the bonding lugs I have found and that my supply house have are rated for that. Any help would be much appreciated.
I moved this to the General Electrical Forum because the topic is not relevant to hazardous (classified) locations and you will probably get a better response.

Your issue is based on a new Section 680.14. Section 680.14(A) describes the conditions where pools are considered corrosive. Section 680.14(B) lists a few products that are considered acceptable.
That does list acceptable materials but for the wiring of the pool not for the bonding of the pool.
That is the part I am looking for help with. I can't find any methods for the bonding of the area around the pool and for the actually pool.

I moved this to the General Electrical Forum because the topic is not relevant to hazardous (classified) locations and you will probably get a better response.

Your issue is based on a new Section 680.14. Section 680.14(A) describes the conditions where pools are considered corrosive. Section 680.14(B) lists a few products that are considered acceptable.
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