Poor manufacture...ship?

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Senior Member
I'm sure a lot of you here have opened a box of .... (fill in some product here) and found parts missing or the thing wired wrong or not what it says on the box. Do you just try to make it work anyhow even if you have to make something yourself and take more time than expected, or do you go after the supplier/manufacturer to make it right?

I think we, as installers, need to hold the manufacturers liable for their screw-ups, there's a lot going on unpunished because we just don't have the time to deal with it.
You won't be leaving us after 100, will you?

Missing parts. What a drag.

But when I think of all the ceiling fans I've installed there is always extra screws and washers for the blades. Never been short of panel cover screws for a Square D panel.

Damaged or defective equipment is a pain and an embarasment.

Sometimes I think that light fixture manufacturers just go design something, send it out and give no thought to any ease in installation.
Depends on the problem, and how long the fix is going to take.

If I can make something work (legally) in 15 minutes, is it worth spending two hours on the phone, writing letters, emails, searching the net to force the maker into action? No, I just write it off as a part of doing business.

But if I'm looking at hundreds of defective parts that prevent me from maintaining the schedule, I'm on the phone in a hearbeat.

I installed 46 high-end recessed 277v fluorescent cans in a commercial job. Box said 277v, ballast said 277v. Turned 'em on, and poof... turns out they were mis-labeled 120v ballasts. Called the manufacturer, they sent out a rep, and within days we had replacement ballasts and an address to send the bill.
frizbeedog said:
You won't be leaving us after 100, will you?
I'm gonna be here till I die, or pass out, whichever comes first.

frizbeedog said:
Missing parts. What a drag.

But when I think of all the ceiling fans I've installed there is always extra screws and washers for the blades. Never been short of panel cover screws for a Square D panel.

Damaged or defective equipment is a pain and an embarasment.

Sometimes I think that light fixture manufacturers just go design something, send it out and give no thought to any ease in installation.
So, you tell em I have parralell 600 MCM coming in to the panel and they give you this, how are you supposed to make it work? Then you spend a month telling them what you got, what they gave you, sending pics, looking up the correct part number in the digest for the right lug set and ordering it from the local supply house.

I do love their skirts, though.


yursparky said:
I'm sure a lot of you here have opened a box of .... (fill in some product here) and found parts missing or the thing wired wrong or not what it says on the box. Do you just try to make it work anyhow even if you have to make something yourself and take more time than expected, or do you go after the supplier/manufacturer to make it right?

I think we, as installers, need to hold the manufacturers liable for their screw-ups, there's a lot going on unpunished because we just don't have the time to deal with it.
We just got a box of generic "thank you mints" that were actually jolly-rancher type candy branded for a steakhouse clear across the continent. We've been eating them by the handful because they're excellent. If the steaks are as good as their end-of-meal candy, I may have to fly to the Maritimes. :grin:
yursparky said:
So, you tell em I have parralell 600 MCM coming in to the panel and they give you this, how are you supposed to make it work? Then you spend a month telling them what you got, what they gave you, sending pics, looking up the correct part number in the digest for the right lug set and ordering it from the local supply house.
Besides the missing parts it looks like you have another issue to address. It's hard to tell from the picture, but aren't the B & C phase lugs a little to close to each other?
Supplier said 6-8 weeks for 24 cell parabolic fixtures. OK everyone knew so we planned accordingly. WE had some loaners from the loaner that we were going to replace.
Fixtures showed up 3 days after order!:grin: They sat in warehouse for 2 weeks until we actually needed them. Loaded them on truck, took to jobsite, unloaded, then opened. They were 18 cell :mad: fixtures. The box was labelled 24 cell!!

We installed them, had the supplier contact the agency to send us the 24 cell louvers and we would swap out for $XXX, or the factory could send someone to come out and swap out the louvers!

We did the job. Waiting on the check from the factory.
frogneck77 said:
Did they pay for your labor?

480sparky said:
and within days we had replacement ballasts and an address to send the bill.

it looks like they did. company i used to work for had the exact same thing happen. the manufacturer paid the labor to replace.
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