Pop up utility worker tent

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The first one I used often it was easy to set up. Our signal techs used over traffic signal cabinets. If we don’t see a reply with source I will ask my work buddies
Anybody know a good source for one of these? I've asked a few linemen but they don't know.
I doubt any linemen have used these. They have raincoats and work through it.
phone/cable company employees would be better to ask, although cable companies don’t work in the rain now I think about it..

About 20 years ago I bought a 12X12 cover like you see people use on the beach. Thought the guys may want it for terminating UG in the sun to have some shade. Whatever they wanted to use it for..
its only been used twice in all these years. Too much trouble to set up for what little time you will be there for the task at hand.
I used the tent wiring control valves and for doing fiber optic terminations. The tent is flexible and easy to move around conduits
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