Looking for suggestions.I need to supply (2) 120V receptacles on a dock that extends 60' into a lake. The dock will be removed for the winter.There will be (2) PWC lifts that I'm told operate at 9.6 FLA. Owner wants an outlet for each but says only 1 will be in use at any given time.(yea right). I have 30' of sand beach between the dock approach and the sea wall that will have to be traversed with some form of temporary wiring means so it can be disconnected for winterization.This beach area is open to the public for walking and use of ATV riding. My nearest source of usable power is a 30A 240V 4W sub panel located 80' from where the temp dock wiring will come up the sea wall into the yard area. I will have to work within the limitations of the #10 conductors feeding the existing sub panel because new UG excavation from the house is not physically possible.I estimate total circuit length to be around 275-300ft. I have several ideas(will not bore everyone with them) but would like to pick a few brains if anyone has time. Thanks.