Portable heaters.

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Senior Member
Looking for suggestions on efficiently doing a job.

What I've got is an office area with 12 cubicles, 6 along each wall and a walkway down the middle.

Building owner wants to get rid of numerous extension cords strung out supplying power to under desk heaters. He wants an outlet placed at each location specifically for a heater.

Currently all of the 12 cubicles are operating heaters Each unit draws between 1200 and 1500 watts. Walls are 8" cinder block, insulation is non existent.

I keep trying to come up with a different solution but always come back to having to have a dedicated circuit for each one.

Depending on work load, the office spaces may all be occupied at the same time or they could be as few as 6 working.

Seems like a lot of overkill dropping ind circuits to each cube, but can't come up with another solution.

Baseboard heat is not an option because of the way the dividers butt to the wall. GFA is currently in place but the temp rarely sees 65 deg.in this portion of the building.

Any suggestions
Assuming these units have 15 or 20 amp male cord caps you are stuck with one circuit per unit.

If I had three phase available I would run three - 3 phase multiwire branch circuits.
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