Portion of a Cable Tray Job

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Senior Member
The last job I worked on,this plant has 40 to 50,000 feet of cable tray,some areas with 3 levels of tray - 6 trays wide,,plant is still under construction.Substation is elevated and all cable enters gear from below.

The large xfmr is 13.8 / 4160,the smaller 4 of them is 4160 / 480.There is 2 more located remote from substation

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Senior Member
That looks like a modern process plant of some sort - it sure is nice having the cable tray designed upfront with the rest of the project instead of having to cobble it in later. I'm curious why there is 2300V and 4160V - usually plants have one or the other, some have 2300 in older units and 4160 in new locations, but rarely do both of those voltages exist together in the same place on purpose.


Senior Member
Yes it's a LNG Plant the transformers with 2300V secondary's were the remote tranmsformers I spoke of,They were used in a Gas Compression Area.To really get to the bottom of the matter this project was pulled from one engineering firm and awarded to another,conflicts between disciplines of each company led to a lot on mis specified equipment..of course owner reps also had dirty skirts:)

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