Possible fire hazard in remote control light controllers?

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Senior Member
Michigan. It's a beautiful peninsula, I've looked
Many years ago, like 15, I purchased 3 Woods brand remote control receptacle controllers. One of them started acting up, so you would have to have the remote a couple feet away from the controller in order to make it work. Yesterday, it failed altogether. So I decided to do an autopsy.

The first thing I noticed was that the controller was warm, and not even on. Just plugged in. Removing the cover revealed this:

View attachment 8004

Here is are some close ups of the burnt resistor: (Sorry, no macro lens....)

View attachment 8007

View attachment 8006

So, I decided to check the other controllers. They still were in working order.

Like the first one, the controllers were warm, and not on. Here is a pic of what they look like on the inside:

View attachment 8008

Just starting to burn.

Needless to say, I removed them from service.

All it says on the controllers is Woods No. 2023

I would have never thought that these things would be a heat source when plugged in and not in use.

That bites, too. I really liked the things, but now I can't really trust them. I wonder of the other brands are the same way?

If you own any of these, you may want to take a look at them.
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Have you checked for any recalls on record for the units? Unless there is something really unusual about your environment, it sure looks like a bad design or component choice.
Have you checked for any recalls on record for the units? Unless there is something really unusual about your environment, it sure looks like a bad design or component choice.

I am going with a manufacturing defect. These were purchased at Big Lots store many years ago. Big Lots, if you don't know, buys and sells mostly discontinued items.

I remember they were real cheap. That's why I bought 3 (all they had). I also knew I couldn't get any more. Who knows when they were sold before selling their end stock to Big Lots.
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