Posting a picture

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Senior Member
Broward Co.
Sorry to bother to forum with this, but how do I attach a picture? I looked through FAQs and through posts and cant find my answer. I tried uploading a pic, too big. Tried linking to photobucket, says file is too big???? What am I doing wrong?
nyerinfl said:
Sorry to bother to forum with this, but how do I attach a picture? I looked through FAQs and through posts and cant find my answer. I tried uploading a pic, too big. Tried linking to photobucket, says file is too big???? What am I doing wrong?

Make your picture smaller in size.
You can use MS Paint or any photo veiwer to reduce your picture size.

Smart $ said:
Regarding step no. 3:

All I have to do is click in the direct link box and the URL is automatically copied to my clipboard. No need to press Ctrl+C or any other means to copy the URL.

Maybe some web browsers do that automatically?
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