Would somebody please walk me through the steps necessary to to post pictures? Also please advise how to reference a post by thread number and how to retrieve by thread number?
The easiest method IMO is to get a free account at either photobucket or shutterfly. Upload the pictures there and then right click and copy the image address. Then select the forums icon for pic and paste the url in the box that shows up.
You can also do it by choosing the management icon for attachments and uploading the file
If you copy that URL up to the end of the thread number [t=xxxxx] you have a link directly to that thread. If you include the rest of the URL you can start with the browser pointed at a particular post within that thread.
I am not sure just why you would want to do this though. I do not know of any way of finding out the number of a thread other than by displaying it in your browser or App.
If you are looking at a thread, the post number in the upper right of each post is a link to that particular post within the thread. You can generally right click on it and copy the URL into your copy/paste buffer.