power drops

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Senior Member
gulf coast
ok heres something I want to understand. Just had power from poco drop for a nanosecond and come back on. Everything came back on except for tv which I had to manually turn on. Is this because of a fuse in the tv or something else? If it is built in to tvs is it to protect from the possible loss of a neutral under a load or is it something else?
Its protection for the TV, you can think of it as a momentary contact or a contact that's started and held magnetically or electronicly till interupted.

One can see a TV sage from voltage drop but its got to slap or be lack of a summary of wattage, or take your pick, IE lack of it will break the circuit... and cause this release.

Circuity with-in a device, can be way different than demand for service.
If it is built in to tvs is it to protect from the possible loss of a neutral under a load or is it something else?
It's simply a result of the electronics of the TV. Mechanical switches remain in their position, but electronic circuits use momentary switches, and the response to power outages can usually be programmed in.

I'd be willing to bet that, hidden somewhere in the depths of the set-up menus for the TV, there is a setting for auto-on or something similar for those who plug the TV into the switched receptacle on their cable box.
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