Power Limited Tray Cable

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Senior Member
I have project where contractor is wanting to use Power Limited Tray Cable, PLTC 300V approved for underground wiring at 230 volts.
Per the UL Guide Information for "Power Limited Circuit Cable (QPTZ", that cable is only for use with Class 2 or 3 power limited circuits.
This category covers power-limited circuit cable intended for use in Class 2 or Class 3 circuits as described in Article 725 of NFPA 70, "National Electrical Code" (NEC).
This UL category includes CL2, CL3 and PLTC cables.
Tray cable is 600 V rated and approved for direct burial. Locally the septic installers use it from the control panel to the pumps and floats
Yes, Tray Cable, Type TC, Article 336, would be fine for the application, but I would reject PLTC based on the UL Guide Information.
Per the UL Guide Information for "Power Limited Circuit Cable (QPTZ", that cable is only for use with Class 2 or 3 power limited circuits.
This UL category includes CL2, CL3 and PLTC cables.
And just to be clear, Don brought this up because Class 2 and 3 circuits are limited to 150V max in certain cases, so it (PLTC cable) could NEVER be appropriate for any 230V circuit.
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