Many large office buildings have power factor correction capacitor banks mounted at the end of their bus duct risers! I've noticed that about 95 percent of the time their fused disconnects are "OFF" and the other 5 percent have blown fuses ????
Normally they have not been sized correctly, and there is a resonance problem which can cause overvoltage. The overvoltage can cause the capacitor to fail or the sensitive electronic equipment to shut down. I find very few "fixed bank" capacitors that are applied correctly.what would be the reason to shut off a PF correction device? those things should just sit there and no one should touch them unless theres a problem
what would be the reason to shut off a PF correction device? those things should just sit there and no one should touch them unless theres a problem
Charlie I have seen the same in several data centers and factory's, Expensive equipment with the main disconnect off.
what would be the reason to shut off a PF correction device? those things should just sit there and no one should touch them unless theres a problem
The original post stated these devices could save 10 to 15 percent of a customer's billing amount! Consider that ! If this was true, every office building in the USA would be installing them! To a large office building that savings could amount to $70,000 a year --- this equipment isn't that expensive and easy to install ! I have tested a few of these devices for certain customers with data loggers and never found them worth the installation costs....