PPE requirement for Online Motor Testing - 4160V

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Wondering what the ARC Flash PPE requirement is for doing online motor testing with the Baker Instruments (now SKF) Explorer Dynamic Motor Tester. I test mostly 4160V motors in the MCC. I have to open the control panel door of the cubicle to get to the back of the Multilin Relay. I have to connect my voltage leads and portable CT clamps to the back of the Multilin. Keep in mind this is all control voltage I'm dealing with. I find instances in the NFPA-70E where it could be classified/interpretted Hazard Catagory 0 or Hazard Category 1.

Just wondering if anyone else deals with this.
Depends on the construction fo the cubical. Worse case, if there is an arc flash on the 4160V side while you were working on the multilin .. are you protected by the design of the cubical? Just an opinion here based our our gear, the control section would be considered more of a shock hazard than a arc flash.
PPE requirement for Online Motor Testing - 4160V

cornbread... I am protected (in my opinion) by the "Second" inner door of the cubicle that seperates the control voltage portion from the 4160V portion, so I'm only exposed to the low voltage terminal strips and such. I'm looking at NFPA-70E, Table 130.(C)(15)(a). Some scenerios have a Hazard/Risk Category "0" and some a "1" or "2"...
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