Practical knowledge and theory

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Saudi Arabia
It's tough for me to say what i am going to say ahead. I have a desk job in consultant. I design projects but I don't have much knowledge of practical world like how things are implemented and what are the obstacles etc on the site. Neither do i have any chance of visiting sites and checking the work.

I would have shifted the company but in gulf generally you are binded in a two years contract which is not a less time.

Having said so, i am looking for a good material to study the site implementation of electrical work. I see its absurd to think of studying practical things on books but for me something is better than nothing. I think there could be material which covers the topic with their pics etc.

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The site implementation of electrical work goes something like this- Every job is a serise of problems that get worked every day till that day is over or you go to a different job,

Thanks for putting my life into prospective. :weeping:

You can find me sitting in garage with the car running.
Is the consultancy your own company or are you an employee?

I worked for a blue chip company where all new designers/draftsmen were initiated with 3 months on site to get a feel for the problems. To quote a mechanical engineer when he introduced a new graduate to the plant engineers, “these are the guys that will pull your ***** off if you get it wrong”.

If you can, get some “on site” experience under your belt, it will pay dividends.
Is the consultancy your own company or are you an employee?
Sounds like he is an employee:
but in gulf generally you are binded in a two years contract

I worked for a blue chip company where all new designers/draftsmen were initiated with 3 months on site to get a feel for the problems. To quote a mechanical engineer when he introduced a new graduate to the plant engineers, “these are the guys that will pull your ***** off if you get it wrong”.

If you can, get some “on site” experience under your belt, it will pay dividends.

I agree with that. I think the idea of a mandatory period or periods of practical work came up in another thread.
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