Prefab Aluminum Sunroom Requirements

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New member
I am in the pre-fab aluminum Sunroom business and am interested to know what the requirements are for running wiring inside of a modular type Sunroom are. Are there any requirements for enclosing the wires inside a non conductive material such as PVC, or can they just be laid inside the aluminum track that is attached to the floor?


Senior Member
Re: Prefab Aluminum Sunroom Requirements

This NEC? Forum is for those in the electrical and related industries. Questions of a "How-To" nature by persons not involved in the electrical industry will be removed without notice.

Since you have blocked private messages, this will have to do. Your profile indicates that you are not in the electrical business. Please send me a private message and unblock you private messages so we may talk about it if that is not true.


Senior Member
Re: Prefab Aluminum Sunroom Requirements

This is the answer I received to my comment.

I am not in the Electrical Trade, but I am a designer that works for an Aluminum Sunroom manufacturer. We currently offer an aftermarket electrical Raceway (Pandiut) and want to redesign a room with an integrated Raceway. That is the reason for my question. I just got a copy of the 2002 NEC and was looking for a fast way to find the answer to my question.


Senior Member
Re: Prefab Aluminum Sunroom Requirements

Well Charlie, being as how you've unlocked the thread, I'm assuming you're allowing the topic.

But your last post almost seems to be asking for opinions.


Senior Member
Northern illinois
Re: Prefab Aluminum Sunroom Requirements

I seem to recall that Unistrut is UL listed as a raceway. Has been for a number of years. I would bet you could get UL to list the extrusions you make as a raceway without a lot of trouble. Might not be all that cheap though.

I think you are going to have a difficult time getting a lot of jurisdictions to accept the idea of running wiring inside your extrusions without UL approval.


Senior Member
Re: Prefab Aluminum Sunroom Requirements

I dont think running romex inside the chanel is a violation,as long as it is being only a chase.I do not think you could use it as a raceway for thhn.What exactly are you trying to do ?I do know that at least here a sunroom is called a habital room and must follow spacing same as you would for a living room or bedroom.2 foot and 6 foot rules.


Senior Member
Re: Prefab Aluminum Sunroom Requirements

I seem to recall that Unistrut is UL listed as a raceway
I don't do much commercial so I looked it up. Is 384 talking about unistrut?

Edit: Good thing for 384.2 because that really clears it up. I know what it is and have no idea if this article is talking about unistrut.

[ May 05, 2005, 04:44 PM: Message edited by: physis ]


Staff member
Re: Prefab Aluminum Sunroom Requirements

Originally posted by physis:
Is 384 talking about unistrut?
Yes, but I agree it is not perfectly clear per 384.2.

Of course unistrut is a brand name, power strut is another.


Senior Member
Re: Prefab Aluminum Sunroom Requirements

I haven't really had a reason to look it up before but looking at the article It could almost be wiremold. Suspend that. :D


Senior Member
Re: Prefab Aluminum Sunroom Requirements

Now aluminum would have to be bonded ,Same as modular cubicles that have prefabed wiring ;)
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