Prevailing Wage vs. Project Labor Agreement

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Senior Member
Just wondering how your local areas handle Project Labor Agreements. While there is a heated discussion going on about Prevailing wages - what do you think about the projects that have Project Labor Agreements on them and are there any studies on these that indicate that it costs more or less to the owner/city/state/federal gov't?

The subject of union v/s non union issues, tends to drift into hard positions taken by some posters, from my view, and years of experience, working on both sides, I can assure you, we need more factual discussion on these issues not less, the problem seems to be, most of the time they go off the issue, into a hard position, and sides are taken.

Some of the Studies on Project Labor Agreements are skewed, they become political footballs, to rally for a position. Local agreements may depend on the area economic conditions, planned projects for the area, and the area labor conditions, the cost of these projects usually go up due to political footballing, (we need, we don't need the school) this stalls the project, and the cost of the project continues to rise, until a decision to build is made, usually by a local proposal, on election day, IMO labor has the least impact on school construction costs, the time from concept of construction, where a budget number for the project is planned, can be 3 to 6 times the cost due to stalling, by the time it is approved for construction.

This board topic is Electrical Contracting, and Estimating/Management Labor agreements, and labor activity is all a part of this topic, and should be discussed in an orderly forum.
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SAT I could not agree more with you the BIG problem is with any issue, there are hard headed backers on both sides that will not even consider any other point of view as maybe having some inkling of validity. They take a stance and die by it. This issue is not a hard fast Union VS non Union black/white there is plenty of gray area.
brian john said:
SAT I could not agree more with you the BIG problem is with any issue, there are hard headed backers on both sides that will not even consider any other point of view as maybe having some inkling of validity. They take a stance and die by it. This issue is not a hard fast Union VS non Union black/white there is plenty of gray area.

A good example of a gray area, was where fairness was discussed on the PW thread, It was noted, that if I am paying benifits already, I have to pay them twice, so that's unfair, in fact in most states, you can file for a review exemption, if you can show your are paying the same benifits.

It would be better, if we can discuss the issues in an informed manner, and if they drift, then delete the drifters, rather then closing the entire issue up for discussion.
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satcom said:
It would better, if we can discuss the issues in an informed manner, and if they drift, then delete the drifters, rather then closing the entire issue up for discussion.

I am up for that and have no plans to close this thread or the other PW thread as no one has been rude or abusive.

The PW thread was getting some drift so I just asked the posters to focus on the topic.

To all, enjoy the discussion but stay respectful of each other. :)


Sorry, I didn't mean that the discussion on PW was heating up in a bad way, I just meant that it was drawing a lot of opinions and different views. I didn't think anyone was being disrespectful.
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