Preventative Maintenance

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Senior Member
Does anyone have a Preventative Maintenance procedure that works well for motors, distribution & generators?

We are trying to incorporate good PM procedures and if we author our own it will include something like: ?What needs to be checked and or monitored to insure safety, function, and longevity?

IM me I can send you standards on our Scope of Services and links to standards.

Typically what does the firm you work fro do now for electrical work, service, construction, controls, ECT....
If you guys can not generate a preventative maintenance procedure for the work you are discussing, I would say that you should hire a more experienced maintenace supervisor or contract your maintenace work to a reputable service company.
Know What I mean, Vern
It is funny you should say that. As I get older and more experienced, I have learned to reach out and ask as many questions and listen to as many people as possible. Then I can make a more educated decision on what I want to do, using my experience as the anchor for the final decision.

I say to anyone who may listen, ask as many questions as possible...a few great gems will come your way.
Try getting a copy of of a book written by George Patrick Shultz called Transformers and Motors. We had used this book as a model for our preventitive maintenance schedule. It also is a very good troubleshooting mannual. Hope this helps. Pay close attention to chapter ten.

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