Price for changing outlets

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Senior Member
Does anyone have a sense of a price simply to change devices, (outlets only). This is a house that has been entirely remodeled and the homeowner wanted Leviton outlets and the previous contractor had used something else. Anyway there are 35 outlets in the house that he wants to make Leviton and I was figuring about $18.00 per outlet. Once again this is assuming the wiring has all been done correctly. Trying to anticipate this question, If the outlets aren't pigtailed I was simply going to change the device unless he wants to pay me to start doing pigtails. Thanks for any input.
I charge $12/device if we can do the work de-energized and don't need to move the furniture, bookcases, appliances etc. It goes up from there, dimmers, GFCIs & the like are extra. We pigtail everything while we're at it.

Bob on the left coast.
I would charge closer to $25/device...maybe even $30.

"Assuming" all the wiring is in good shape to begin with....
- you are removing an outlet AND replacing an outlet.
- wall, floors, etc are all probably freshly covered with paint, tile, wood carpet, etc...take out what you take in, vacuum up, etc.
- furniture....just how BIG is the couch?

...and that's how we arrive at $25 - $30 per.
$12/device labor.. no moving furniture, no afci, devices and plates extra.

$18/device is a good compromise by the time you get gfic devices in there and three gang switch plates and range outlets, $18 is a very good number.
celtic said:
I would charge closer to $25/device...maybe even $30.

I'm with Celtic on this, for all of his reasons plus one more:

Because they're Leviton. :)

I will admit, though, that if the customer actually agreed to $25/receptacle for 35 recepts, I'd probably be nice and throw in a freebie.
Quick connect

Quick connect

I have seen many quick connect receptcles with a big
burned spot at the connection, I always use screw connection.
mtnelectrical said:
Do you guys use the quick connection?
Nope..pigtailed, ground tails, plated, NEXT.
I keep a couple of empty spackle buckets for these jobs...
1st bucket holds some THHN (looped neatly INSIDE the bucket), with a hole in the lid...that's a "chair" and a "wire cart".
2nd bucket holds tools materials and trash.

When it's done... break out the vacuum:

Notice the battery AND cord.
2 gallon...nice and small.
iwire said:
Now if it only shipped with a battery and charger....

For the price ($99 $0 s/h@amazon) it's a good deal even w/o the battery & charger...I guess they wanted to keep both the price and weight down?
bobbyho said:
One would think Milwaukee would smarten up and make one of those. If I didn't have so much Milwaukee stuff, I would go back to DeWalt just for the vac.
What about the has a charger :D
If taking out a vacuum keeps the customer happy - and my pockets fat - then I guess I'm a plumber :D
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