Our GC, that we are trying to do business with recently ask why our bids were a lot hire than other bids for same project so our company lowered the bids to get the job. We didnt have any experience with these types of installs but I felt confident we could perform the job and our price fit the type of demand it require for the time frame of 2 weeks, weekend included I find large retailers price shop and then become very aggressive once awarded the job. We did the job in alotted time but the came in over budget on manhours. Management then wanted to know why. I told them we would have come in on budget and 20% margin if they had stayed with original budget but because they wanted to try to get more work from customer they lowered the estimate to get the job. I understand we were not as effficinet as the next guy but also the next probably doesnt have the overhead we have as a company per employee and overhead. The solution for management pn next project is to increase efficiency in the field to match competitors numbers. I was like WHAT! Im sure we could become efficeint enough to do the project in the same number of hours and budget, is this normal for companies to be like everyone else/ I dont think I can give customer a quality work only ok work. Am I missing something? in my way of thinking or is this pretty normal?