pricing help

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There are a few EC's that can make money using a strictly square foot price, but I'm not a fan of it.

If you have a low overhead and can get a good price for material, than go with your gut feeling about your $4.

But let me ask you, did you do a take off, where you counted all the devices and fixtures and multiplied them by a figure that includes marked up material prices and a labor amount? Is this a basic house or does it have ton's of recessed cans, above and below cabinet lighting, a pool, a hot tub, and other extras? Is it total electric? Do you supply the light fixtures in the $4, or does the GC?

I'm just trying to help.
Square footage is a really poor way for an electrician to make a bid. That being said, the only way the data could be contrived, would be if it was a tract project, where all houses being somewhat equal could be added together, then divided up against the whole. Giving a ball park figure to historical data on that area.

Electrical, just like mechanical has way to many variables to consider doing a square foot estimate.
purecomfort said:
need to know if $4 a square FT is still a good pricing amount for a new build home I am in VA And yes I am seriuos
I price mine by the sq.ft but it is code min. Customer supplies fixt.,vent fans, smokes. Cans, three ways, phone,catv,celing fans, dedicated lines for whirlpool tubs all extra per unit. I would be VERY happy to get $4.00 plus addons
purecomfort said:
need to know if $4 a square FT is still a good pricing amount for a new build home I am in VA And yes I am seriuos

I guess that depends on:
- when the $4/sq.ft. was good in the first place;
- if the price of anything has changed since then;
- if codes have changed since then;
- etc
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