Prime IV hydration

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have a project which has the following tenant
Call prime IV hydration

I am wondering would this place be considered invasive procedure NEC 2017 section 517.2?
I have a project which has the following tenant
Call prime IV hydration

I am wondering would this place be considered invasive procedure NEC 2017 section 517.2?

They stick needles in you. Seems pretty invasive to me.

However, does not seem to be covered by the definition of invasive procedure found in article 517.

Invasive Procedure. Any procedure that penetrates the protective
surfaces of a patient’s body (i.e., skin, mucous membrane,
cornea) and that is performed with an aseptic field (procedural
site). Not included in this category are placement of peripheral
intravenous needles or catheters used to administer fluids
and/or medications, gastrointestinal endoscopies (i.e., sigmoidoscopies),
insertion of urethral catheters, and other similar
procedures. [99:3.3.81]
Would rooms where they administer IV be considered anesthetizing locations? I thought those locations would only include gases per NEC 2017 section 517.2 definition.
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