Printing Shop Classification

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Wilsonv said:
Does a Printing Shop has to be considered as a classified location?

I do not believe that short of extraordinary ESP that anyone can answer the question given the lack of information upon which to base such an answer.
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It isn't too likely, but as Bob pointed out there are way too many variables to consider before giving a conclusive answer.

Given the ?raw? definitions, virtually the entire world would be classified Division 2 ? except for the locations that were Division 1. Obviously we don?t classify things that way in reality, so a lot of judgment has to be used to determine the correct classification. This is where experience comes in as recognized in NFPA 497. This is one of my favorite citations:

5.5.4 When classifying buildings, careful evaluation of prior experience with the same or similar installations should be made. It is not enough to identify only a potential source of the combustible material within the building and proceed immediately to defining the extent of either the Class I, Division 1 or Division 2; or Class I, Zone 1 or Zone 2 classified areas. Where experience indicates that a particular design concept is sound, a more hazardous classification for similar installations may not be justified. Furthermore, it is conceivable that an area be reclassified from either Class I, Division 1 to Class I Division 2, or from Class I, Division 2 to unclassified, or from Class I, Zone 1 to Class I, Zone 2, or from Class I, Zone 2 to unclassified, based on experience.
[rbalex italics added]
Thank you guys. Sorry for the lack or abscence of information. Today I got some infromation. Isopropyl Alcohol, 2 gal. labeled(Health=1,Fire=3,Reactive=0). Other products in 1 gal bottle are labeled (Health=1,Flammability=2,Reactive=0), (Health=2,Fire=3,Reactive=0)

Any comments will be appreciated.
How much of each and what size containers?

Is any of it open, or is always sealed up.

Generally small quantities of flammable chemicals in sealed containers are not a problem. Otherwise the paint section of every Home Depot would be classified.
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