Problem of supplying four door power supply panels with one power source

elec Engineer
There are four hallways in the building, each equipped with bidirectional doors. Each bidirectional door includes a key switch for unlocking when the door is locked, a door holder to keep the door from closing, and an electric striker to prevent the door from opening when closed. Power is supplied to these components via a power supply panel, with each of the four hallways having its own power supply panel. Additionally, there will be a push button installed at the building's information desk to simultaneously close all four doors.

I plan to supply power to the four power supply panels from a single source through a 30A circuit breaker in the electrical panel.

Does anyone know which section of the NEC code this setup might violate?
There is no code issue with one circuit supplying four power supplies.

What is the maximum load current (at what voltage) of each power supply?