Proper breakdown of a code section

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How's it read to You > ? It's the SA Circuit! It's must Go!

Is it situational please describe of how your trying to apply it ?

Understand it? Follow all the Links?

I've frankly found myself stating certain Code Articles out loud just to get it sometimes! :)
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What I am asking is when do you say section, sub section, paragraph etc. This for learning purposes only. I just picked a random reference for an example. There has to be a proper breakdown somehow. Atleast I think so.
ok, fair enough...

If you remember that in general most all the "Codes" reflects a conditional situation/ application, that your doing this, in that enviroment. Etc, Etc.

I like to drop back to the open'n paragraphs or any Article Numbers, for me it a refresher of why I'm in looking at an article.
What is the correct way to break down a code reference.For example:
Chapter 2
Part III
Article 210
To me, the first one gets you there all by itself, other than the year cycle in use.

It's kinda like the new zip codes. Your house number and zip+four is all you need.
What is the correct way to break down a code reference.For example:
Chapter 2
Part III
Article 210
I would say Chapter - (part optional) then article... But the numeric version of say 422.33(C) says all of that... You would know chapter, article and specific section or paragraph... IMO chapter and part are broader refferances... (e.g. "chapter 3 methods"....) Each chapter is subject and/or situation specific - broken into parts, then articles. If a direct ref is needed - I would like the numeric version better than the drawn out version of say Chapter and part...
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