I am telling you that if I was an inspector I would enforce the code.
There are many heat guns and other tools out there identified for the purpose of bending PVC.
We own a couple of these
http://www.hotbend.com/ there are nice when there is no power around for boxes or blankets.
And I would expect you to enforce the code. I feel, that if it were the intent to use identified devices for heating, then the word heating should be in there somewhere. It isn't. If that brings forth the question, 'Then how do you bend it without heating it?' you can, using a spring type insert, but THEN you have to use a bender not identified for use with PVC.
I don't see how a device that does not bend pipe can be identified for bending, but as you say, the labels indicate that they are.
If you gigged me for using a heat gun on a perfect PVC run I would argue, and likely successfully, that I did not use the heat gun to bend the pipe, and bending the pipe is what the rules specifically address.
Now, I try to be a reasonable person. If heat guns were notorious for damaging pipe, like torches are, and you as an inspector requested I use an 'identified device' I could see your point. But I don't think that is the case. It's no easier to damage a piece of conduit with a heat gun than it is with a blanket or a hot dog cooker. Even though they won't scorch the conduit, they can get it so soft it collapses, and that is damage and would be a code violation.
This would be a good poll for inspectors. I know for certain there are inspectors that have no problem with heat guns. (But then, they also deal with a fair amount of people using torches, so a heat gun is a step upward). In fact, I have never met an inspector that requires a specific tool for heating, so long as there is no damage. I have met inspectors that will look for microscopic signs of scorching if they think the conduit was heated with a torch and gig people for damage. I don't have a problem with that.
If the code read that heating shall only be done with devices identified for the purpose, then it would be clear that a paint stripping heat gun would not be allowed.
Your interpretation of the code seems to be that heating and bending are synonymous, and as I have pointed out, they are not.