Protection Height for Sch 80 PVC

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Little Bill

Staff member
Tennessee NEC:2017
Semi-Retired Electrician
I had an inspector tell me that Sch 80 PVC was required for anything from 18" below grade up to 8'. His reference was 300.5
I told him I didn't think that was right and would look it up. 300.5(D)(1) says basically what he said but that is for protection of direct buried conductors emerging from below grade and doesn't mention Sch80.
The other reference that I was able to find was 300.50(C) but that is for over 1000V

I know all the "subject to physical damage" stuff is subject to interpretation. I'm just talking about specific language as to Sch 80 being required up to 8'.
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whoops... I was looking in the 2008 NEC...
I was thinking somewhere it stated that conductors in conduit shall be considered direct buried for purpose of depth and rotection....I know it doesn’t make sense.
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There is some language in the UL white book (?) that describes locations where sched 80 could/might/should be used. IIRC the phase "such as on poles" is in there. Sorry Im vague on the details, we had a thread on it several years ago.
Sounds like he meant to reference 352.10(F) and 352.12(C) both of which are open to interpretation and certainly not automatically required below 8'.

352.10(F) Exposed. PVC conduit shall be permitted for exposed work. PVC conduit used exposed in areas of physical damage shall be identified for the use.
Informational Note: PVC Conduit, Type Schedule 80, is identified for areas of physical damage.

352.12(C) Physical Damage. Where subject to physical damage unless identified for such use.
"Subject to physical damage" is a subjective phrase. The person that gets to decide if it is subject to physical damage is the AHJ.
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