Protection Interferrence?

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New member
I recently came across a customer that has had three (20A) Arc Fault Circuit Breaker failures (same circuit). Each time the AFCB was replaced, it would last about 6 months. At the time of the third failure, a faulty outdoor GFCI receptacle that wouldn't reset was located on the same circuit. The AFCB wouldn't reset with the defective GFCI. I have ruled out lightning and surge damage as the electrical service has premium lightning and TVSS protection with a grounding electrode impedance below 1 ohm. Has anyone heard of any interferrence problems when combining arc fault circuit breakers and ground fault circuit interrupters on the same circuit?


Senior Member
No. One should not effect the other. If the defective gfci is faulting the circuit in some way, that may cause the afci to respond.
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