Protection Required for UF-B on Building Interiors

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[FONT=&quot]I need to run 14-2 UF-B fromthe panel to outdoor lighting. The cable run will go up a concrete blockwall, across engineered trusses and down another concrete block wall beforeexiting the building through a conduit embedded in the slab. Options forthe block walls appear to include running the UF-B through Sch.40 conduit or stapling it to a 2x4 mounted to the wall. Do both ofthese methods meet NEC requirements?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Options for the trussesappear to include stapling to the truss face when running with the trusses buta 2x4 needs to be installed for crossing trusses. Is that correct or canI simply staple to the bottom of the trusses whether the run is parallel to thetrusses or crossing them?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thanks for your help.[/FONT]
What is the use of the structure?

If not residential then:

334.10(3)’Other structures permitted to be of Types III, IV, and V
construction. Cables shall be concealed within walls, floors, or ceilings that provide a thermal barrier of ma- terial that has at least a 15-minute finish rating as iden- tified in listings of fire-rated assemblies.
Hmm... not sure about the codes on that.. would need to look it up.. but.. in Jamaica we would channel out the concrete block, stick in conduit, then cover back the block with

and in the UK it looks like the new code starting next year will have us putting it in metal conduit and no longer using plastic conduit or plastic to hold our screws in the walls.. unless the pvc companies come back out with metal clips to hold their conduits to the

not sure about USA though...
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