Prov Exam Question

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South East
Electrical Consultant
What is the additional load for the 23 feet of track lighting that shall be added to the service calculation of a hotel?

a. 3450w
b. 1800w
c. 1725w
d. 1500w
I know the code article and I believe the answer is 1725. Prov answer key says 1500w and this is why I'm asking. Thank you
The New Hampshire JW and Master practice exams are garbage. They have most of the same JW questions on the Master practice exams and they have incorrect info on the answer keys. I have both practice exams in my hands. Oh well, I'll keep using the time tested, most accurate, best illustrated, test prep items on the market! Mike Holt!
I see how they arrived at the answer of 1725 watts, and it is wrong. I don't see how you arrived at 1500 watts, but that is wrong too. I believe the correct answer is 1800 watts. Post #6 by Greg1707 offers the clue to the solution.

The rule is 150 watts for every 2 feet or fraction thereof. The test answer simply interpreted that as 150 watts per 2 feet. A 23 foot track equates to 11.5 sections of 2 feet each. Take 150 times 11.5 and you get 1725. Again, that is wrong.

If you were to build this track using only 2 foot sections, you would need 11 such sections to get the first 22 feet of track. Those 11 sections would be counted at 150 watts each, for a subtotal of 1650 watts. But then you need to cut a 2 foot section of track in half, to get the final length of 23 feet. That last 1 foot of track is to be treated as a "fraction of a 2 foot allowance," so it gets the full 150 watts assigned to it. Final answer, 1650 watts for the first 22 feet and 150 watts more for the last foot, for a total of 1800 watts.

Now, can you explain how you arrived at 1500 watts?
The way this question is devised it will result in many people failing. The question would be better if it had simply asked what the load would be for 24 feet of track lighting. Should anyone fail a test over 750 watts?
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