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Senior Member
There is a circuit simulator, PSPICE, widely used by electronic circuit designers which may come in handy for those who are inclined to use it. The student version may be had free. Just search for "PSPICE". Takes a bit of effort to learn to use it though.

I just used it to demonstrate the 1/3, 2/3 rule for a delta transformer with a single load on one of the phases. Yes indeed, the rule holds as you would expect.

It would not let me tie the three voltage sources in a delta config to prove my argument of a 1:1 split in an ideal xfrmr. Had to insert resistors in series with each secondary. I don't see how PSPICE could have determined the split anyway with zero impedance.

I've never used it. I don't recall the "P" in front. I should get a copy.

Sam, in the old days, it was just plain SPICE, devloped at Berkeley, and it ran on mainframe computers. As PCs became more powerful, a version for PCs was developed, that is what the P is all about.
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