314.28 Pull and Junction Boxes and Conduit Bodies.
Boxes and conduit bodies used as pull or junction boxes
shall comply with 314.28(A) through (E).
(2) Angle or U Pulls, or Splices. Where splices or where
angle or U pulls are made, the distance between each raceway
entry inside the box or conduit body and the opposite
wall of the box or conduit body shall not be less than six
times the metric designator (trade size) of the largest raceway
in a row. This distance shall be increased for additional
entries by the amount of the sum of the diameters of all other
raceway entries in the same row on the same wall of the box.
Each row shall be calculated individually, and the single row
that provides the maximum distance shall be used.
Exception: Where a raceway or cable entry is in the wall
of a box or conduit body opposite a removable cover, the
distance from that wall to the cover shall be permitted to
comply with the distance required for one wire per terminal
in Table 312.6(A).